Here's what was popular from the Jodi Sylph library last month...
Most popular store: Amazon (63% of sales came from here)
Most popular Jodi Sylph Book: Daddy's Too Big (63% of all book sales were this book)
Interesting how those two correlate, isn't it? 63% is my number!
Here's what I don't know... I don't know how many books I've sold in June through Smashwords through their other channels.
I only released two new books in June. I did a lot more writing than that, but I haven't gotten around to finishing any more shorts. There's plenty of good stuff coming soon though... I promise!
Did I make enough to be a full-time writer in June? No. So that's two months down. July is looking promising, with the popularity of my erotica increasing in leaps and bounds. Still, it might be August before I leave my day job.
July is half-over, but I'm pushing to complete about 5 more short erotica stories, with a wider range of different interests. Keep checking back, or follow me on Twitter, Google+ (to the right), or Facebook to keep current, or to contact me!!!
Jodi S.
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